Trya Lover

Berhayal - Bermimpi - Berkarya


What need an application to express what I feel at this time, the Weird One needs with proximity to your ...
It's Complicated course of my life to ask you to accept my regards, I do not know with what I deliver, I possessed orng Tell someone tell me more crazy, I'm not insane.
But people only know a little about me, a lot of things that have not he know about who I am, indeed I was just a child-friendly shoreline villages who always wanted more than that I know ...
Hopefully you know what I want what I asked just a little.

I want you to always smile, if only I could have my Express rasaku will show you, but I fear otherwise you want to know me more and more flowers ...
It's true I'm not the greatest, I'm not great to be close to you, but I also want to make you can always smiling, always cheerfully and always feels Peace ...

I plead only that, if only I had never come closer I know I iklas Ridhlo, with rasakau now, I'd better try from a small thing, rather than just let go just sit and wait ...

This method can represent a sense of this because I do not know what to do ....

I hope you know and understand ....
there is no immortality in this world unless the author

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